Social Sciences

The social sciences examine human behaviour, including its causes and consequences, at the individual, societal, cultural, and global levels. The courses in the general social sciences focus on theories and research from the fields of anthropology, psychology, and sociology with the goal of developing students’ understanding of people as individuals and groups and of social institutions. These courses provide the opportunity for students to explore human behaviour, social groups, institutions, and various societies by examining various contemporary issues. In these courses, students develop their awareness of and ability to use social science methodologies and perspectives to examine the causes of and responses to challenges such as technological change and global inequalities.  

Grade 11 (University Preparation)
This course provides students with opportunities to think critically about theories, questions, and issues related to anthropology, psychology, and sociology. Students will develop an understanding of the approaches and research methods used by social scientists. They will be given opportunities to explore theories from a variety of perspectives, to conduct social science research, and to become familiar with current thinking on a range of issues within the three disciplines.

Prerequisite: The Grade 10 academic course in English, or the Grade 10 academic history course (Canadian and world studies) 

Grade 11 (College  Preparation)
This course introduces students to theories, questions, and issues related to anthropology, psychology, and sociology. Students learn about approaches and research methods used by social scientists. Students will be given opportunities to apply theories from a variety of perspectives, to conduct social science research, and to become familiar with current issues within the three disciplines.

Prerequisite: None 

Grade 11 (University/College)
This course enables students to explore the social construction of gender. Students will learn about the dynamic nature of gender roles and norms; sexism and power relations; and the impact of representations of women and men in the media, popular culture, and the arts. Students will analyse a range of gender equity issues, including gender-based violence and workplace equity, in both Canadian and global contexts. Students will develop and apply research skills and will design and implement a social action initiative relating to gender equity.

Prerequisite: None

Grade 12 (University/College Preparation)
This course enables students to develop an understanding of the theoretical, social, and historical underpinnings of various equity and social justice issues and to analyze strategies for bringing about positive social change.  Students will learn about historical and contemporary equity and social justice issues in Canada and globally.  They will explore power relations and the impact of a variety of factors on equity and social justice.  Students will develop and apply research skills and will design and implement a social action initiative relating to an equity or social justice issue.

Prerequisite: Any university or university/college preparation course in social sciences and humanities, English, or Canadian and world studies