Class of 2025 Post-Secondary Information
Join the MHS Class of 2025 Google Classroom to get timely information on graduation requirements, and post secondary applications.
Merivale Class of 2025 - Class code: ibvttxo
Check out our Google calendar showing all university and college visits:
Post-Secondary Presentation Calendar
- Powerpoint Presentation
- Literacy test (OSSLT) dates for MHS grade 12 students: Nov 14th, 2024
- 40 Community service hours will be required for graduation.
- Parents/Guardians may choose to opt their child out of the mandatory elearning requirements. Please complete the opt out form - Paper copies are also available in Guidance
- Grade 12 photos will be from Monday, Dec. 2 to Friday, Dec. 6, 2024. More information will come in November about signing up for your grad photos.
Ottawa University and College Tours:
OCDSB LAUNCH 2024 (Nov. 6th, 2024) - Registration and permission form must be completed:
This virtual post-secondary exploration opportunity will showcase a variety of post-secondary pathways and options available to students. The conference will feature workshops and exhibitors from colleges, universities, training delivery agents, employers, gap-year programs, and service providers to help introduce students to the world of possibilities beyond high school.
- Ashbury College University Fair SIGN UP - October 9th, 2024 (6pm-9pm)
- Book an appointment to discuss graduation status and options for next year. We look forward to talking with each of you.
- This page is also available as a Google doc: MHS Class of 2025 Grade 12 Post-Secondary Information

- Job Trends in Ontario - This Ontario government site provides labor market information including employment outlook, salaries and other details for different occupations. Search Job Profiles to read a report on each job you want to explore. Or take a Career Quiz.
- Algonquin College - Follow links for Future Students Career Tools. Create an account to receive Information on jobs in the Ottawa area and training at Algonquin.
- Ontario Colleges - Ontario Colleges is the information and log in and application portal for all Ontario colleges. Start exploring.
- Ontario Universities Info - Find a program, choose a University. You can connect with any of the 21 Ontario universities, explore their programs, prerequisites, and find out about virtual visits/tours.
How do I apply to college?
You can apply online at Ontario Colleges starting in October. You will need your Ontario Education Number (OEN) which is on your timetable and all report cards. Deadline to apply is February 1st 2025
How can I research programs?
The website outlines all programs at all colleges in Ontario and high school prerequisite courses. Check whether programs are labeled “Highly competitive”. Connect with your guidance teacher if so.
What are the costs?
There is an application fee of $150. You may select up to five programs (with a maximum of three at any one college.)
How do I apply to an out-of-province college?
Look up requirements on the college’s website and connect with your guidance teacher.
How soon will I receive a response from a college?
Offers of admission will be released by the colleges anytime after February 1st. Offers will continue to be issued until programs are filled or wait-lists are established.
Links to all Colleges in Ontario: Contact Ontario Colleges
How do I apply to Ontario universities?
The Ontario University Application Centre (OUAC) is a central agency that all Ontario students use to apply to any Ontario university. Deadline to submit your completed application to OUAC is January 15, 2025.
Students will NO longer require a school provided PIN to apply - Student grades will be matched with their OEN (Ontario Education Number
What is the cost?
The basic non-refundable application fee is $156.00 for the first three university/program choices. For each additional program over three a $50.00 fee is charged.
Can I make changes to my choices?
You may make changes to your application once you have applied. If you are changing institutions there will be a $50 charge for every change.
Which marks will they see?
The universities you apply to will have access to your marks from grade 11 which they may use for early admission and some scholarship offers. Updated marks are then sent in November, February, April and the end of June. If you have taken a course online or through a private school, check to ensure that it has been included. Contact your guidance teacher with any questions or concerns.
Which six U or M marks are being considered?
The university will average six grade 12 U/M marks. These six will include the prerequisite courses for your program, plus your highest other 4U/4M course marks. The website Ontario Universities Info outlines all program prerequisites in Ontario. This information can also be found on university websites and in calendars.
What if I want to take a year off?
Some schools will allow you to defer your acceptance for a year and others will have you apply again. Check with the individual universities for their policies. You may want to talk with your guidance teacher about ideas for your gap year.
What else can I do to prepare for the application process?
Request a view book from the institutions that interest you. Each institution’s website will also provide more details about the courses. Attend a virtual tour or webinar for the institutions and programs that interest you. Follow up online or through email with recruiters. Book an appointment with your guidance teacher.
How do I apply to a university that is out of province or in the U.S.?
Check the website of the institution for application procedures. Book a time to talk with your guidance teacher for assistance.
How soon will I receive a response from a university?
Offers of admission may occur any time after you apply. Some offers are sent out after each round of marks are sent to OUAC. May 29, 2025 is the latest date by which all secondary applicants should expect a response from an Ontario university
Links to all Universities in Ontario: Contact Ontario Universities
Have you researched the costs of the university or college programs? Costs may range from more than $6,000 for a year at college (living at home) to over $10,000+ per year at university (living at home). Going away and staying in residence may add another $14,000 - $17,000 or more to the cost per year. Some programs at various colleges and universities are more expensive than others. Do your research on each school’s website as part of your planning.
- Look into applying for OSAP in the spring. OSAP is the Ontario government program that provides loans and bursaries based on your family’s financial situation. Check out the OSAP Aid Estimator on their website to see what you may be able to access. Interest charges and loan repayment begins after you have finished your education.
- Bursaries are gifts of money based on financial need. Scholarships are gifts of money based on other criteria such as volunteerism, leadership and/or high marks. Loans will need to be repaid in the future.
- Check the financial services link on the website of the institutions you are looking into. Many offer bursaries based on financial need or scholarships you can apply for. Application deadlines may come early, so check before spring. If you have excellent marks and extensive volunteer involvement during high school, consider applying for a prestige scholarship such as a chancellor’s scholarship.
- Admission scholarships are offered by some universities based on grade 12 marks. You will be considered automatically for these when you apply. These vary by institution.
- Apply for scholarships which you can research at yconic. or Scholar Tree or Scholarships Canada. Consider creating a new email address just for the purpose of using these databases as your OCDSB email address will be deactivated shortly after graduation. OCDSB Scholarship & Bursary Opportunities
- Check out the Ridgemont HS Scholarship page maintained by community members for all students in Ottawa.
MHS Guidance Scholarship page: Merivale HS Scholarship Chart